The Classic Bike Guide Winter Classic, Newark Showground, Nottinghamshire
January 10-11, 2026
A kick-start to the new classic motorcycling year, the Classic Bike Guide Winter Classic takes place at Newark Showground. It offers a welcome respite from the hectic holiday season and a chance to get lost exploring the hundreds of stunning classic machines on display.
Show opening times:
Saturday 9am – 5pm
Sunday 9am – 4pm
Click here to see more information about what's on at this event
A kick-start to the new classic motorcycling year, the Classic Bike Guide Winter Classic takes place at Newark Showground. Having been established in 2012, it offers a welcome respite from the hectic holiday season and a chance to get lost exploring the hundreds of stunning classic machines on display.
With a good mix of traders, dealers and autojumble plots, it’s the perfect place to grab a box of parts and spares, as well as finding that inspiration needed to finish your restoration for a summer of riding… or perhaps pick up a new project.
Scooter World
Scooter World has to be one of the best elements of the Winter Classic Show. A dedicated team of Scooterists manage to pull in some of the UK’s best scooters be it custom, classic, or just darn right cool! It’s also a season opener of the clubs who gather from across the UK to show off their two-wheel beauts and talk shop.
See all your scootering event favourites like the ‘Fire-up’ sessions, club stands and privateer entries in abundance; you’ll also be able to listen to all-day scooterist-friendly music whilst you relax in the ‘Chill-out Area’.
Trade & Autojumble
Not to be confused with the monthly ‘Normous Newark Autojumbles we also run at the showground, the autojumble at the Classic Bike Guide Winter Classic is drip-fed throughout the site, with stalls inside the main hall, outside and in the additional halls too. Hundreds of traders pitch up at the show with a vast range of autojumble for visitors to browse through as soon as they walk through the gates.
Trade stands at the Classic Bike Guide Winter Classic are both varied and plentiful! Hundreds of traders are in attendance, selling anything from leather jackets to vintage machine manuals. Make sure that you go round all the halls on-site, because you never know what you’ll find around the corner! It’s the perfect way to spend the rest of the Christmas cash!
“Best year’s trading since the inception of Scooter World” – Shaw-Fire Lambretta Scooter Spares
Club stands
Both classic bike and scooter clubs are regarded as the jewel in the crown at this event. Keeping the heart of the scene beating through their work-hard, play-hard approach, the owners’ clubs take pride of place wherever they pitch up! They help make the show what it is with their phenomenal collections of incredible machines, not to mention their love for classic bikes and scooters! Cash prizes are up for grabs for the best three club stands that go out of their way to put on a good display – who will be the top three in 2025? You’ll have to stay for the awards ceremony on Sunday to find out!
Private Entries
Established as the season-opener for both classic bike and scooter enthusiasts, The Classic Bike Guide Winter Classic is THE place to immerse yourself in your favourite hobby!
The question is would you like to take part? Why not display your pride and joy at the show, be it an utterly original BSA or fully restored Vespa? We’re looking for the best classic bikes the UK has to offer to go into our private entry display.
All private entry display owners receive one free wristband to get into the show on both days, plus a vehicle pass. All displays are automatically entered into the awards too – so you could end up with a brand-new trophy to take home with you!
Guest of Honour
2026 guests to be confirmed later this year …
Click here for the 2025 Exhibitors List
Exhibitor | Position | Stands |
ADAM GOY | Outside | O2 |
AIR COOLED SUZUKI | George Stephenson Ex | 76 |
ALL THINGS DIVERSION | George Stephenson Ex | 121 |
ALLAN DAWSON | Outside | O72, O73 |
AMAL CARBURETTOR COMPANY | George Stephenson Ex | 100 |
AMS | Outside | O74 |
ANDREW HUDSON | Outside | O48 |
ANDREW TRIBE | Outside | O60 |
ANT SIGN AND PRINT | George Stephenson Ex | 74, 74a, 74b |
ANTHONY HAYWOOD | Lady Eastwood Pavili | 217, 218 |
ASHCROFT TOOLS | Marquee | MQ04 |
ASTON CAMPION | Outside | O78 |
ATOMIC 56 LIMITED | George Stephenson Ex | 53 |
AZTEC OILS | Lady Eastwood Pavili | 236 |
B B ENGINEERING SERVICES | George Stephenson Ex | 82 |
B O M BATTERIES | Outside | O41 |
BANDIT OWNERS CLUB | Stanley Sheldon | 708 |
BEE ETHICAL ACTIVE | George Stephenson Ex | 64 |
BEN ROBINSON | George Stephenson Ex | 122, 123 |
BIKE SPEED UK | George Stephenson Ex | 95a |
BILL RUSSELL | Outside | O36 |
BIMBLE ON THE BIKE TOURS | Lady Eastwood Pavili | 309, 310 |
BLUE ROLL KING | George Stephenson Ex | 71b |
BRITISH HISTORIC RACING CLUB | John Crocker 3 | 401, 402, 403 |
BROWN BREAD | George Stephenson Ex | 52 |
BSA BANTAM CLUB (WC) | Stanley Sheldon | 703, 704 |
C K W SALES LTD | Marquee | MQ25 |
C PUNTON FOOTWEAR | John Crocker 2 | 508 |
CAMPER ESCAPES | Outside | O56 |
CBX ENTHUSIASTS | Lady Eastwood Pavili | 224 |
CENTRAL WHEEL COMPONENTS LTD | George Stephenson Ex | 98 |
CHAIN MAN {THE} | George Stephenson Ex | 101 |
CHARLES GILLHAM | John Crocker 2 | 527 |
CHISELSPEED TUNING LIMITED | John Crocker 1 | 651, 652, 653, 654 |
CHRIS JONES | Lady Eastwood Pavili, Outside | 239, 240, 260, 261, O69 |
CHRIS SAVAGE | Outside | O62 |
CHRISTOPHER MORRIS | George Stephenson Ex | 71 |
CHUCK LINDLEY | George Stephenson Ex | 70 |
CLASSIC MOMENTS | George Stephenson Ex | 63 |
CLASSIC MOTORCYCLE MANUALS.COM | George Stephenson Ex | 132, 133 |
COOKIE STOP {THE} | George Stephenson Ex | 75b |
CRUSTY PIE COMPANY | Lady Eastwood Pavili | 270, 271 |
CYRIL DONOVAN | Marquee | MQ33 |
D & J FACTORING | Marquee | MQ24 |
D G TRADE | Marquee | MQ11 |
DAZZLED LIGHTING | George Stephenson Ex | 110, 111, 112, 113, 114 |
DIRT BIKE ALI | Marquee | MQ12 |
DN SURPLUS | John Crocker 1 | 600 |
FINGER PRINTS | George Stephenson Ex | 119, 120 |
FORMULA POWER | George Stephenson Ex | 108, 109 |
FRANCIS BARNETT OWNERS CLUB (WC/BB/SOC) | George Stephenson Ex | 89, 90 |
FRANK NOBLE | John Crocker 2 | 528 |
G & T TOOLS | George Stephenson Ex, Outside | 88, O40 |
GAVIN COLLINSON | Outside | O70, O71 |
GENERATIONS SCOOTERS | John Crocker 1 | 622 |
GOLD STAR OWNERS CLUB | George Stephenson Ex | 94 |
GOLD STAR SERVICES | Outside | O15 |
GRAHAM INGER | John Crocker 3 | 406 |
GREEN LIGHT SCOOTERS | Stanley Sheldon | 702 |
H R S MOTORCYCLES BRISTOL | George Stephenson Ex | 136, 137, 138, 139 |
HAWKINS DISTILLERY LIMITED | George Stephenson Ex | 51 |
HTC EVENTS | George Stephenson Ex | 81a |
HUGGYS SPEED SHOP | Outside | O41a |
I K SUPPLIES | Outside | O3 |
IAN LITTLE | Outside | O49 |
IT REGENERATION | George Stephenson Ex | 56 |
ITALIAN MOTORCYCLE OWNERS CLUB GB | George Stephenson Ex | 96, 97 |
IVES MOTORCYCLES | Outside | O64 |
J B CUTTING TOOLS | George Stephenson Ex | 99 |
J H B MOTORCYCLES | Outside | O44 |
JAMES WILLIAMS | Outside | O81 |
JAMES WORBOYS | Lady Eastwood Pavili | 256, 257, 258 |
JB FABRICATIONS | John Crocker 1 | 659, 660, 661, SC19 |
JEFF REYNOLDS (OCCULANCE PRODUCTS) | George Stephenson Ex | 70a |
JOHN DAGOSTINO | John Crocker 3 | 432, 433 |
JOHN GRATTON | John Crocker 2 | 510 |
JOHN MILBURN | Outside | O67 |
JOHN STACEY | Lady Eastwood Pavili | 277 |
JUSTINTOSCOOTERS | John Crocker 2 | 511 |
K2 CUSTOM CLASSICS | John Crocker 1 | 608 |
K2 ENGINEERING SERVICES | George Stephenson Ex | 85 |
KEN & LYN RESTORATION FACTORS | George Stephenson Ex | 73 |
KEVIN ANTHONY | George Stephenson Ex | 83 |
L C W SUPPLIES | George Stephenson Ex | 134, 135 |
LEATHER GENIE | George Stephenson Ex | 79a |
LIDDELLS | Marquee | MQ32 |
LIGHTENUPGRADE | George Stephenson Ex | 55 |
LIGHTWEIGHT TWO STROKE | John Crocker 3 | 440, 441 |
LINCS & NOTTS AIR AMBULANCE | John Crocker 3 | 439 |
LYNN CULLUMBINE | John Crocker 1 | 658 |
M H TEXTILES | John Crocker 3 | 429, 430, 431 |
MAICO OWNERS CLUB | John Crocker 2 | 500 |
MALCOLM LEECH | Outside | O42 |
MARK BENNETT | John Crocker 1 | 605 |
MARK COOK | Marquee | MQ13 |
MARK DOROW | John Crocker 1 | 627, SC1 |
MARK PRIEST | John Crocker 2 | 512 |
MARTIN PASHLEY | Outside | O59 |
MAYGREEN LTD | Outside | O3a |
MIDLIFE CLASSICS | George Stephenson Ex | 124, 125, 126, 127 |
MILITARY AND OUTDOOR | Lady Eastwood Pavili | 304, 305, 307 |
MIS UK LTD | George Stephenson Ex | 140 |
MORTONS MEDIA GROUP LTD | John Crocker 1, Lady Eastwood Pavili | 232, 611 |
MOTO MOVERS LTD | George Stephenson Ex | 77a |
MOTOART | George Stephenson Ex | 93 |
MOTOFAST LTD | Outside | O35 |
MOTORCYCLE & SCOOTER CENTRE | Lady Eastwood Pavili | 301, 302, 303 |
MOTUS BIKE WEAR | Marquee | MQ08 |
MTC EXHAUSTS | Marquee | MQ28 |
N Y M | George Stephenson Ex | 81 |
NIGEL COOK | Outside | O79 |
NIGEL FREEMAN | Lady Eastwood Pavili | 241 |
NO RULES MZ CLUB | Lady Eastwood Pavili | 221 |
OCCULANCE | George Stephenson Ex | 65 |
OLD SKOOL SUZUKI (STAFFORD) | Stanley Sheldon | 705 |
ON ALL FOURS | Marquee | MQ10 |
OUTDOOR WORLD | George Stephenson Ex | 49 |
PADDOCK MOTORCYCLES | George Stephenson Ex | 61, 62 |
PAUL COLLINS | George Stephenson Ex | 71a |
PAUL FITZGERALD | John Crocker 2 | 518 |
PAUL HOSKIN | Outside | O58 |
PAUL MOLYNEUX {MR} | John Crocker 2 | 529, 530 |
PEAK TOOLS | John Crocker 2 | 513, 514 |
PERRY FEEBERY | Outside | O65, O66 |
PETER LEAKE | Outside | O17, O18 |
PETER PRATLEY | George Stephenson Ex | 57, 58, 59 |
PHILIP SHERWOOD | John Crocker 3 | 434, 435, 445, 446 |
PORTSONACHAN HOTEL & LODGES | George Stephenson Ex | 72 |
POWERBOND | George Stephenson Ex | 79 |
R B BIKES | Lady Eastwood Pavili | 294, 295, 296, 297 |
R H SPECIALIST VEHICLE INSURANCE | Lady Eastwood Pavili | 235 |
RAP SUPERBIKES | George Stephenson Ex | 99a |
RECLAIMED & RECYCLED | Lady Eastwood Pavili | 213, 214 |
RETRO SHOWROOM (TONY MELLORS) | George Stephenson Ex | 115, 116, 117, 118 |
RETROSPECTIVE SCOOTERS | John Crocker 1 | 662, 663, 664 |
RICHARD AYRE | George Stephenson Ex | 106, 107 |
RICHARD TAYLOR | Outside | O50, O51 |
ROBERT HARDWOOD | Outside | O80 |
ROBERT HORSEMAN | Outside | O68 |
ROBIN HOOD COUNTY RIDERS | Lady Eastwood Pavili, Stanley Sheldon | 227, 709 |
ROGER DUNFORD | Lady Eastwood Pavili | 215, 216 |
ROSS MOON | Marquee | MQ05 |
ROTAX LAMBRETTA RACING | Stanley Sheldon | 706 |
ROY COLLINS | John Crocker 3 | 404 |
ROY KIRKBY | John Crocker 3 | 407 |
S J WADE ENGINEERING | Outside | O57 |
S S DIRECT | Outside | O1 |
SB TYRES | Lady Eastwood Pavili | 308 |
SBP EVENTS LTD | Lady Eastwood Pavili | 207, 208, 209 |
SEAL MILITARY | John Crocker 3 | 442, 443 |
SEVERN BOARS CLUB | John Crocker 2 | 503 |
SHOP 4 BIKERS | George Stephenson Ex | 95, 95c |
SHOW WAVE LTD | George Stephenson Ex | 101b |
SIMON BEAMAN | Outside | O54 |
SKEGNESS AND DISTRICT MCC | John Crocker 3 | 408, 409, 410, 411 |
SKYE CLASSIC MOTORCYCLES | Lady Eastwood Pavili | 201, 202, 203, 204 |
SOLO MOTORCYCLES PRODUCTS | Stanley Sheldon | 701 |
SP DEVELOPMENTS LIMITED | John Crocker 1 | 606, 607, SC23 |
SPARKLEBRIGHT | Lady Eastwood Pavili | 262, 263 |
SPEEDWEAR LTD | George Stephenson Ex | 50 |
SPENCER ELTON | Lady Eastwood Pavili | 253, 254, 255 |
SPICERS AUCTIONEERS & VALUERS | George Stephenson Ex | 54 |
SPORTAX RACING | Lady Eastwood Pavili | 243, 244, 245, 264, 265, 266 |
STAMFORD SCOOTER CENTRE | John Crocker 1 | 610, 622a |
STAMFORD TOOLS | Outside | O76, O77 |
STAV MOTO LTD | John Crocker 2 | 526 |
STEVE ELLIS | John Crocker 3 | 412, 444 |
STEVE WILSON | Outside | O53 |
STRAIGHTLINERS LTD | George Stephenson Ex | 68, 69 |
SUMMER BUD LTD | Outside | O75 |
SUNBEAM OWNERS FELLOWSHIP | George Stephenson Ex | 86 |
SUPERMONO GB | Lady Eastwood Pavili | 221a |
SUTTON HOSES | George Stephenson Ex | 95b |
SWEETS OF YESTERYEAR | Lady Eastwood Pavili | 278, 279 |
TALANA GAMAH ARTWORK | George Stephenson Ex | 77 |
TEAM S EQUIPE | John Crocker 2 | 504 |
TEAM SCOOTEROLLER | John Crocker 1 | 628, 629, 630, 631 |
TERRY PENDLETON | Lady Eastwood Pavili | 298, 299, 300 |
TRIDENT & ROCKET 3 OWNERS CLUB (NAJ) | Lady Eastwood Pavili | 231 |
TRIPLE R PROMOTIONS | Lady Eastwood Pavili | 274, 275, 276 |
TRIPLES WORKSHOP | George Stephenson Ex | 128, 129 |
TURBO TRADE UK | Marquee | MQ06 |
TXT AGRICULTURAL | George Stephenson Ex | 89b |
UK 2 STROKE CLUB | Lady Eastwood Pavili | 225 |
V BIKES | Marquee | MQ29 |
V G SUPPLIES | Outside | O61 |
VAC BAG PRODUCTS LTD | Outside | O16 |
VE UK | John Crocker 1 | 655, 656, 657 |
VELOCETTE OWNERS CLUB (WC) | George Stephenson Ex | 78 |
VETERAN VESPA CLUB | John Crocker 1 | 636, 638, 639, 640, 641, 642, 643, 644, 645, 646, 647, 648, 649, 650 |
VINTAGE RACEWEAR | George Stephenson Ex | 130, 131 |
VINTAGE SCOOTERS | John Crocker 1 | 623 |
VINTAGE SIGN DESIGNS LTD | George Stephenson Ex | 102, 103, 104, 105 |
VINTAGE TOOLS | Lady Eastwood Pavili | 205, 206 |
VJMC | George Stephenson Ex | 91, 92 |
VMCC (NATIONAL) | George Stephenson Ex | 84 |
WALKER TOOLS | John Crocker 2 | 507 |
WEST COUNTRY WINDINGS | Lady Eastwood Pavili | 311, 312, 313 |
WHEEL BUILDING UK | George Stephenson Ex | 66 |
WICKED FUDGE | George Stephenson Ex | 60 |
WRIGHTS AUTO SUPPLIES | George Stephenson Ex | 56a |
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Run by real bike enthusiasts, Classic Bike Shows’ events offer something for everybody who loves two wheels; from vintage, veteran and classic through to modern and even off-road machines. With world renowned events including the Classic Motorcycle Mechanics Show and the International Classic MotorCycle Show, the team welcomes over 135,000 visitors throughout the year.